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Florida Divorce Mediation Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton and Palm Beach, Fl

April 25, 2020 by in General

You want a divorce, but you don’t want to fight.  Many couples balk at the expense, time, or stress of an emotional, litigious divorce, and rightly so.  Separating from a spouse and creating a “new” family is often a traumatic experience.  But it doesn’t have to be.  Many Florida divorces are resolved at mediation and choosing to attend mediation before filing for divorce, or early on in your case, is one way to avoid some of more difficult parts of the process.  Mediation is a non-binding process to resolve family disputes, and a mediation can cover every issue you have or only some.  For example, some people chose to use mediation to address temporary financial issues but not address parenting issues.  Others choose to address every issue in their case, from distribution of assets to child support to attorney’s fees.  Usually, most mediations take place in an office, with one party and their lawyer in one room, and the other party and their lawyer in another room.  A Florida Family Law Mediator who is jointly selected will go between the rooms and speak to both sides and see how they can confidentially resolve the issues that are presented to them.  At mediation, you as the client have control over the process – what is discussed and what is resolved.   You also have the ability to settle issues in ways that a court may not be able to do.  For example, a court in Florida cannot require a party to pay for college tuition for a child.  But, in mediation, people can agree to a college payment provision and the court will accept that provision.  Nothing at mediation is binding on you, so if a deal is on the table but not one you are comfortable with, you are free not to accept it.  Everything that happens at mediation is confidential, meaning that it can’t be brought up in court or used against someone down the road.  This is important because it allows everyone on both sides to be honest with their goals, which in turn increases the chances of settlement.

If you are curious about mediation or a divorce in Miami Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton or elsewhere in Florida, you should select a professional who is Board Certified in Marital and Family Law or a Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator so that you can ensure you are getting sound advice from an experienced, qualified attorney. 

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